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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Adhd In Adults An Overlooked Condition

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults: An Overlooked Condition

Overlooked and Overlooked: Many Adults Suffer from Untreated ADHD

Our columnist was convinced that everyone had a poker face. Publicist Samira El Ouassil is one of many patients who have long been overlooked. As it often happens, adults with ADHD often remain undiagnosed. Samira El Ouassil, the daughter of a Moroccan father and a German-American mother, is one of many patients for whom ADHD was not diagnosed until later in life.

Late Diagnosis and Missed Opportunities

The late diagnosis of ADHD in Samira El Ouassil, an author and actress, highlights the widespread lack of awareness and recognition of this disorder in adults. As a result, many individuals like El Ouassil may spend years struggling with symptoms without receiving the appropriate support and treatment.
